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To the Editor of the European Magazine.sir, I beg leave to transmit herewith, a copy of a letter written by John Adams, from Pitcarn's[sic] Island, in the South Pacific Ocean, who, with a man named Christian, were the chief persons concerned in the mutiny on board the Bounty Sloop, Captain Bligh, and the only survivors in that transaction; which occurrence may possibly be in tbe recollection of some of your readers, but if not they will find the account in the European Magazine for March 1790, page 236. John Adams' letter is addressed to, and received by, his brother, Jonathan Adams, at present a fireman in the service of the Corporation of the London Assurance Company, in Birchin-lane. I remain, very truly, Sir,
Your most obedient servant, J.L.A. 12, Camomile-street. Pitcarn's[sic] Island, March 3, 1819.
dear brother, I RECEIVED your kind and affectionate letter and present last January, for which I return you brotherly thanks; likewise I returned you a letter by same ship, but the Elizabeth, Captain King, coming to our Island, and returned direct to England, took the opportunity of informing you of my health and welfare: have the pleasure to say that I have four fine children, the eldest 24 and the youngest 15, all well, and hearty; it gives me much pleasure to hear that you are in health, and like-wise my sister Rachell and family, hope with the blessings of Providence you will continue so, and likewise that your worldly circumstances will be improved; but we must leave all to the all-wise disposer of events. As to my coming to England, that is not much to be expected, considering my time of life and the vicissitude of times; and the unfortunate account you give me of the times; but shall be happy to |
hear from you by any conveyancy; shall be much obliged to you to inform Hannah Bailey and her child of my health and welfare, and give my love to them, and if I have any relations be pleased to give my love to them all: shall conclude with wishing you all health and prosperity in this world, and should we meet no more here, may we all meet in the Realms above, where there will be no more parting. I remain,
Dear Brother, Your's affectionately, (Signed) JOHN ADAMS. P.S. Have sent you a present of our country cloth, and a few red feathers, – likewise; my son has sent you a hat of the same manufacture. . . . .
NOTES:The J.L.A. who communicated the letter to the editor of the European Magazine was John Lewis Andre, a London businessman. Andre was the first cousin of Major Andre (1750-1780) who as a major in the British Army and head of its Secret Service in America during the American Revolutionary War was hanged as a spy by the Continental Army for assisting Benedict Arnold's attempted surrender of the fort at West Point, New York, to the British. |
Source:This transcription has been made from the following article:
Images of this article may be found at the Internet Archive.
Last updated by Tom Tyler, Denver, CO, USA, December 29, 2024.